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Embark on a journey to discover the untold stories of the Titanic. Our blog offers a unique perspective on the historic tragedy, bringing you closer to the events that unfolded on that fateful night.

Key features of Titanic

The Titanic was packing the most advanced technology of her time, including her reciprocating steam engines, as well as a smaller turbine engine at the rear of the ship, her two big engines would power her outward propellers with her turbine engine powering her central propeller which the white star line was testing as big turbine engines were not as effective and created a lot of vibrations. Boilers would power her engines, Water sat at the top of these boilers, men would work hour after hour shovelling in tonnes of coal, which would heat up the water and create steam, any additional steam would travel up and out her funnels, with the essential steam being sent to her engines. She also housed 4 compasses, with her main one being up on a stand in the middle of the boat, one of these sat in the bridge, but metal was known to disrupt compasses so her bridge was made out of timber instead, therefore aiding the compass. She also carried a state of the art communication system, the Marconi wireless set, which was kept in the Marconi room in the crew quarters behind the bridge. Two radio operators would use this set to communicate with other ships and ports within a certain radius, as well as sending passengers messages. This is how Titanic alerted other ships of her position after she hit the iceberg on the night of the sinking. In order to expand the radius of this set, wires were run between her two masts, which would boost her radius by quite a distance, perfect for reaching other ships further away.

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